Sabtu, 11 Desember 2021

Diet To Burn Fat And Lose Weight

Diet To Burn Fat And Lose Weight

The best HIIT workouts can help you lose belly fat and boost metabolism but when it comes to weight loss, you also have to pay attention to what you eat. For example, you might want to include more of the best fat burning foods in your diet to speed up the weight loss process and to make sure all the weight lost stays off too.

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Fuelling your body with the right micro- and macro-nutrients is essential in order melt the fat off your torso and limbs. Specific diets, such as the keto diet or intermittent fasting, can help weight loss but they can also feel restrictive to many people. However, by applying some easy food swaps, you can increase the efficiency of weight loss significantly.

The best fat burning foods included on this list are everyday superfoods and won't need to be sourced from remote parts of the Antarctic, yet they work well all the same. Sure, quinoa is great but you know what else is also good? Good ol' eggs. They are full of fat-soluble vitamins (i.e. vitamin D) and also essential fatty acids, not to mention they are are high in protein, something noth bodybuilders and dieters might appreciate.

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7 best fat burning foods

When it comes to fat burning foods, Ollie knows best

(Image credit: Battle Ready 360 / Ollie Ollerton)

We asked Ollie Ollerton, ex-SAS (Special Air Service of the British Army) soldier and founder of Battle Ready 360, a fitness, wellbeing and nutrition subscription programme, to share a list of the best fat burning foods and also some tips on how to incorporate these into your diet the most convenient way.

"Whether your workouts are low impact or they're hardcore, your body will need certain foods to perform at its very best. There are also a number of foods that can help aid weight loss safely, without the need to take diet pills or meal replacement drinks. This is the best way to achieve your goals with long-lasting results," says Ollie.

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Best fat burning foods

best fat burning foods

(Image credit: Getty Images)

1. Eggs

There are several healthy fats that are incredibly good for you and can even help you lose weight. Eggs are a great food for a whole plethora of reasons. Not only are they a source of protein, they can also jumpstart your metabolism and help to burn calories during digestion.

Helping to keep you fuller for longer, they also have added properties such as maintaining, building, and repairing muscle – making them the perfect post-gym snack.

Ollie's tip:Hard-boiled eggs are a great healthy snack.

best fat burning foods

Green tea for the win

(Image credit: Getty Images)

2. Green tea

This healthy drink is loaded with antioxidants and is known for increasing your metabolism, burning fat and supporting overall weight loss. Add a few cups to your daily routine and your body will reap the benefits and thank you for it later.

Ollie's tip:Have a cup before exercising for an energy boost and to help you burn even more calories!

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best fat burning foods

Don't forget your kale

(Image credit: Getty Images)

3. Leafy greens

Leafy greens, such as kale and spinach, can support bone health, help overall gut health, and boost digestive enzymes. Reducing bloating, spinach adds fibre and other nutrients such as iron to your diet that your body thrives off, meaning you will perform better when working out. Spinach and kale also provide fat-burning capabilities.

Ollie's tip:If you're not a fan of these greens or if you struggle to add these to your diet, toss them into a smoothie, curry, stew or even an omelette!

best fat burning foods

Add some avocado to the mix

(Image credit: Getty Images)

4. Avocado

Another great healthy fat. The good fats in this fruit can quite simply help you burn other unhealthy fats in your body. Perfect for salads, bagels and smoothies, avocado can be added to any meal. Filled with magnesium, avocado is great for aiding weight loss, keeping your blood sugar balanced and reducing belly fat.

Ollie's tip:Slice it or smash it! And add some spices for an extra kick.

5. Berries

A key source of fibre and packed full of antioxidants, berries are quite literally a super fruit, making them a metabolism-boosting food. Blueberries, raspberries, goji berries and blackberries all contain multiple vitamins and minerals, making them a great addition to your breakfast as well as being nutritious snacks.

Ollie's tip:Add to yogurt, smoothies or porridge.

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best fat burning foods

Salmon is one of the healthiest fishes out there

(Image credit: Getty Images)

6. Fatty fish

Packed with all the good stuff, not only is fatty fish delicious, but it's extremely good for you, too. Salmon, cod, tuna, sardines and mackerel contain omega-3 fatty acids which are known for reducing inflammation and aiding the loss of body fat. What's more, fatty fish is full of high-quality protein, which is essential for everybody's nutritional needs and even more so if you exercise on a regular basis.

Ollie's tip:Eat fatty fish at least twice a week to see the benefits.

7. Chilly peppers

One you may not consider all too often – chilli peppers. Containing powerful antioxidants to help reduce inflammation, chilli peppers can also help to achieve a healthy weight. Helping you to burn more calories and in turn, lose body fat, chilli peppers also help you feel fuller for longer.

Ollie's tip:Add chilli peppers or spices such as cayenne pepper to your dishes several times a week.

Diet To Burn Fat And Lose Weight


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